Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Create a Json file from string object using PowerShell

 Hi Readers,

We will see in this post on how we can create a Json object and save it to a Json file using PowerShell. 

Let's take a very simple Json example. The below section will generate a Json file via PowerShell that looks like below
    "Name":  "Student01",
    "Class":  "2",
    "Gender":  "Male"

Create a string object. You may want to do it dynamically based on your requirement. I have taken a hard-coded string here for simplicity purpose.
Convert string object to a PSCustomObject using ConvertFrom-Json and then convert it back to Json string using ConvertTo-Json and save it in a Json file.
The code in PowerShell will look like this.
$mySimpleJsonstring = "{Name:'Student01',Class:'2',Gender:'Male'}"

$mySimplePSCustomObject = $mySimpleJsonstring | ConvertFrom-Json
$mySimpleJsonContent = $mySimplePSCustomObject | ConvertTo-Json 
$mySimpleJsonContent > mySimpleJsonContent.json
When you will run above script. It will generate "mySimpleJsonContent.json" file which will look like below

Let's take another example of a complex Json. The generated Json file should have Json like below
        "TargetType":  "Fruit",
        "TargetId":  [
        "TargetMetadata":  {
                               "Type":  "Citrus Fruit",
                               "Name":  "Lemon"
        "TargetType":  "Vegetable",
        "TargetId":  [
        "TargetMetadata":  {
                               "Type":  "Leafy Vegetable",
                               "Name":  "Coriander"

The PowerShell script will look like this, and it will generate a "myComplexJsonContent.json" file. You will need to create the string object dynamically based on your requirement. I have taken a hard-coded string here for simplicity purpose.
$myComplexJsonString = 
  TargetType: 'Fruit',
  TargetId: ['98e422be-d613-48e3-8453-16d2107ac77a'],
  TargetMetadata: {'Type': 'Citrus Fruit', 'Name': 'Lemon'}
  TargetType: 'Vegetable',
  TargetId: ['hde422be-d613-48e3-8453-16d2107ac77a'],
  TargetMetadata: {'Type': 'Leafy Vegetable', 'Name': 'Coriander'}

$myComplexPSCustomObject = $myComplexJsonString | ConvertFrom-Json
$myComplexJsonContent = $myComplexPSCustomObject | ConvertTo-Json 
$myComplexJsonContent > myComplexJsonContent.json

This is the full PowerShell script for both the examples.
$mySimpleJsonstring = "{Name:'Student01',Class:'2',Gender:'Male'}"

$mySimplePSCustomObject = $mySimpleJsonstring | ConvertFrom-Json
$mySimpleJsonContent = $mySimplePSCustomObject | ConvertTo-Json 
$mySimpleJsonContent > mySimpleJsonContent.json

$myComplexJsonString = 
  TargetType: 'Fruit',
  TargetId: ['98e422be-d613-48e3-8453-16d2107ac77a'],
  TargetMetadata: {'Type': 'Citrus Fruit', 'Name': 'Lemon'}
  TargetType: 'Vegetable',
  TargetId: ['hde422be-d613-48e3-8453-16d2107ac77a'],
  TargetMetadata: {'Type': 'Leafy Vegetable', 'Name': 'Coriander'}

$myComplexPSCustomObject = $myComplexJsonString | ConvertFrom-Json
$myComplexJsonContent = $myComplexPSCustomObject | ConvertTo-Json 
$myComplexJsonContent > myComplexJsonContent.json
Let me know if this blog was helpful to you ðŸ™‚ Happy Scripting!!!